Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Suicide and Gender

Suicide Rise in Middle-Aged Men, and Older Men Remain At Risk


Anonymous said...

Jennyfer L.

1. Suicide rates are dramatically increasing within the middle age men. Many factors can contribute to why suicide among men is so high. For example, media plays a role due to the fact that people prefer to entertain themselves at home rather than interact and socialize face to face with others. The high class as well as the lower class men ranging from 45-65 years of age are at higher risk to end their lives. They mentioned how the comedian Robin Williams’s death, which was caused by suicide, did not only affect his family members but it as well affected his fans. One person’s actions can cause so much pain not only to himself but to his love ones and those who he was surrounded by.
2. In order for society to function and be stable people themselves need to maintain stability. Let’s stay economy is one of the reasons why men commit suicide. Inflation increases and job employment rises, the men who are breadwinners are now unemployed and they are in need of money to support their family. A manifest function would be unemployment and the latent function will be the main supporter of the households feeling stressed out, helpless, and so on. What‘s next? The act or the thought of committing suicide because they see no other alternative to their situation. This situation connects with keeping society functioning properly because if the economy is bad, society will never be stabilized. Suicide is one of the one outcomes, not for every single individual but it can be for some men. As mentioned in the video four out of five men end their own life due to many other problems in society and economy was one factor.
3. The reason why I decided to comment on this problem was because I myself know many close friends who are males and have tried committing suicide, however, have not been successful. I realized how it is mostly in men, at least in my experience. One solution can be helping individuals get access to mental health care and help reduce social isolation as talk about in the video. Another solution can be, create programs for those men who live alone and feel alone, have no one to talk to or count on, and feel emotionally depressed. Create a “safe zone” when they are in need of help.

Anonymous said...

Cheyenne S.
1. Suicide is a growing social problem because it is a high killer especially of men ages 50-54. This problem needs attention because suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Social isolation seems to be one of the many causes for the rising rates as well as possible economic issues.
2. An interactionalist would say that each person’s reason for committing suicide might not be some of the social factors we think are influencing the action in particular age groups. It depends on each person’s life and way of thinking and how they interpret social interactions.
3. I think suicide is a severe issue that is increasing and putting people of many different age groups at risk. With more awareness of mental health and mental health care lives social isolation might be removed as a factor and in some cases save lives that would otherwise be lost. We can prevent an increase in suicide, not just of middle-aged men, with preventative measures and maintaining strong support systems for our society.

Anonymous said...

Anahit G.

1.) Men commit suicide more than women because unlike women, men don't show their emotions as to women who aren't afraid to ask for help and who would turn their problems to friends or family. Recent studies have shown that middle-aged men ages 45-65 years old tend to have the highest suicide rate as opposed to younger men (ages 25-44 years old) who are less likely to commit suicide, even though studies from 2010-2011 have shown that the rates of younger men are rising by 2.3%. The death rates have increased in middle-aged men from 2000 (21.3%) to 2010 (29.2%) as a 7.9% increase of men in this category. This is a problem because not only is someone losing a loved one, but because a boundary needs to be set for men to not turn their problems to suicide. One theory that traces back to this topic is Durkheim's social forces, which aims at three different types of suicide. The main important one out of the three is Egoism, which is individualism vs. the community. This is when the individual, such as a middle-aged men, commits suicide because they feel that they're detached from the society. This type of suicide is committed by people who are not strongly supported by membership in a cohesive social group.
2.) An Interactionist perspective would look at this problem and focus on how the individual interacts with people and how people influence their behavior and how these interactions can impact the society. So if an interactionist was to look at this problem of middle-aged men suicide rates increasing, they would say that it comes from their surroundings of peers, friends, family, media, or society in general. Their focus would be on what type of friends they have such as their friends are in gangs or if their friends are in and out of prison or if they have any family problems that can lead the individual emotionally sick to take the risk and commit suicide.
3.) In my opinion, middle-aged men tend to commit suicide because their stress level is higher as to a younger category where they don't have much to worry about since they're at a young age. This topic drew me in because not only was it interesting that it has been increasing, but also I learned that its middle-aged wealthy white men who commit suicide. An example of this would be Robin Williams who committed suicide just recently and got the world thinking why would someone who has the fame, the money, family, and fans, commit suicide especially at that age. Since suicide is a psychological issue, one solution to this would be to treat the person cost-free and help them with their problem since they're at the stage where they really need the help.

Anonymous said...

Tawny B.

1) There has been a striking increase in suicide rates in middle aged men. Suicide has always been a social problem and continues to grow. In general, men are more likely than women to commit suicide and also, middle aged men are more likely to commit suicide than younger men. Suicide rates increasing could be due to the economy. Also, suicide has a lot to do with how we communicate. Since social media has become a big part of our every day lives, there isn't much face-to-face interaction. Also, our technology has enhanced which allows people to stay home instead of going out. All of these factors are associated with isolation. Robin Williams was mentioned in this article. He was in the age range that has had an increasing rate of suicide. Suicide is a serious social problem and many measures have been taken to try to decrease the rate of suicides.
2) An interactionist believes that we act based on our past experiences and what we have come to learn. Middle aged men have a set of expectations and they play a certain role in our society. Also, they have certain relationships with people such as their family, friends, co-workers. Interactionists would say that if they cannot interact with the people in their life and are unable to keep relationships with people, they sometimes will choose to commit suicide. Interactionists believe that all people who commit suicide have a different reason to do so based on their life experiences and their interactions. Also, their life values and norms have a lot to do with wether they choose to commit suicide or not. Some religions believe that suicide is not acceptable, which can sometimes cause the person in distress to think twice about their choice to commit suicide. Others who are not religious may find it easier to make their choice.
3) I chose to comment on this topic because it is interesting to me that gender plays a big part in suicide. There is a gap between the number of suicides in men and women. Also, there is a gap in the number of suicides in younger men and middle aged men. It is interesting to me that middle aged men have a high suicide rate because I feel as though men are strong and stable, especially at the ages of 45-65. I feel as though men seem to be content, stable and happy with their lives at that age. But a lot of factors come into the fact that middle aged men have a high suicide rate. One way to solve this problem is for men to socialize more and interact with one another, maybe through group therapy or simple in their everyday lives. Men don't express their feelings as much as women do which is a big factor in their high suicide rates. Society should make sure to keep their eyes open and pay attention to middle aged men because they might be going through many struggles and not showing it.

Anonymous said...

Celine A.

1) Suicide has always been a major issue in the world but now it's worse than ever. Men are three times more likely to commit suicide than women. Middle aged men are the biggest target. According to a study middle aged men are more likely to commit suicide because they grew up in between two very different generations. There are many reasons why suicide rates are increasing including jobs, relationships, and identity. With the economy so bad, many people are trying to just survive, but how much can someone take? Research has shown that men find it more difficult to express their feelings and actually get help which makes it more likely for them to become depressed or commit suicide.
2) An interactionist uses a micro-level approach and focuses on the individual's social interactions. They would focus on the individuals friends, family, religion, values, etc. because they believe that social interactions are the major reason for suicide. Most Middle aged men have family, friends, co workers and they have some sort of standard that they need to meet which can make them feel stuck.
3) I'm writing about suicide because I knew someone middle aged man who committed suicide. This topic is a major issue and continues to become a way out for way too many people. I believe that middle aged men commit suicide most because they are less likely to talk about their feelings or even show it. Men are often looked at as providers for their family and that can put a lot of pressure on a single person. A way to possibly solve this issue could be men actually reaching out for help and letting their voices be heard whether it's in therapy or within their own family. The key is to not let all their troubles pile up but to deal with them from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Monica C.

1. Suicide rates have increased severely since 1999. Historically, the highest rate of suicide had been in young and older male, but that is no longer true. Middle-aged men (45-65) have had the highest risk of suicide. Men are more likely to commit suicide than women. This may be because of all the pressure society has put upon males to show that they should be the providers in a family. A theory that may apply to this concept is Durkheim’s social forces. The one in which I believe is the most important is Egoism (individual vs. community). Society categorizes males as tough human beings and because of this there are very few males who actually take the time to talk to others about what is going on in their lives. In a males’ mentality, showing their feelings is a sign of weakness so this might be a reason why they resort to suicide.

2. An interactionalist would say, that suicide should not be based on age. The causes of suicide are due to many factors no matter the age. An interactionalist perspective would focus on its surroundings, who one associates with, and one’s mentality on life. Age may be a cause of suicide, but the main reasons in which one may have the thoughts of suicide are due to their everyday life.

3. The reason why I commented on this topic was because I see how my father gets overly stressed from trying to be the best role model he can be as well as being the provider of our family. Knowing that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death and for suicide to have risen in males opened up my eyes. It isn’t always easy for a male in a world where they should have their life together. A solution to this problem may be to build more mental health care facilities. This might encourage males to talk to people and ask for help whenever it’s needed.

Anonymous said...

Vaneh H.
In response to Jennyfer L.’s blog

1.I agree with Jennyfer that the reason white middle aged men have an increasing suicide rate is because the lack of interaction with others and the pressure of caring the family financially and be the “hero” figure. Robin William’s death took a heavy toll on the whole world and it was incredibly shocking to see a comedian take his life, there was so much irony behind his death. What stood out to me was the fact that it is not only the high class but also the lower class. I was not expecting that, but honestly it does make sense for the lower class because they work so much harder to keep their job or multiple jobs to keep their family together. It is a devastating social problem because death is a heavy psychological feature in our lives. I think it is a social problem because it has been occurring multiple times and it has received recognition over the media to have an article written about and there are statistics given in the article stating the suicide rates among men and their age group.

2.The theoretical perspective I would use would be symbolic interactionism. Interactions are negotiated through shared symbols, gestures, and nonverbal communication. Once the communication is cut off and there is anomie, the creation of aloneness in the workforce becomes established and then continues towards the family after work. Once middle aged men are cornered and do not want to seek help because they are known as the “hero” figure they cannot make themselves look weak and ask for help. Unfortunately society has created this stereotype for the elderly male to look superior. One thing is for sure, once men have made their mind to step forward and take suicide as their leap of help they will put in the effort 100%. Whereas females do look for the emotional gestures to help them through so they will have a reason to stand by and not go forward with suicide. Then there are those men who live alone and take care of themselves and that has an effect of being isolated to the world. This is where the rise of social networking has come into play with not going out of the house to watch a movie or having a social network where you converse through that instead of getting out of the house to create those friendships and go on dates. Bring social networking into the family, always being busy on your cell phone; people forget that interaction is needed at the dinner table or throughout the time being home to create those social bonds.

3.Jennyfer’s proposed solution is a good one by creating programs for those men who live alone and feel alone because it is a great start to help out these males in those thought processes. It would seem like a realistic solution, but might take a lot of work to put together. But hard work always pays off and for these men it will most definitely save lives. Another solution would be a website or telephone hotline where it can be totally private for a male to contact a person who knows and understand the situation that the male is in and create some guidance and direction to create a better and healthy life for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Arbi N.
In response to Monica C.

1. I agree with Monica that the reason behind middle aged men committing suicide is because of the pressure society has put on them. What really stood out about this article is that the suicide rate among middle aged men has started to effect both the educated and the uneducated one of many reasons for this can be the economy, but what really surprises me is that educated men should have more social bonds and should try to seek therapy before committing suicide. This topic is interesting because the age of people committing suicide has decreased to 40-65 year olds. This decrease in age from old people to middle aged men is due to a number of social factors thus making this a social problem.

2.I would use the functionalist point of view to analyze this problem. Which basically means that all things in the society are related to one another. If the economy is going through a recession then the people in the society would feel a grater pressure on them this would make the society more unstable and will weaken the social bonds of the people and some will be effected by suicide.

3. I agree with Monica C. proposed solution her solution is realistic although it might cost the government some money. My solution to this problem is that the government should provide more programs for people who are in depression, these programs would help people talk about their problems and this would decrease the rates of suicide in all ages and genders specially in middle aged men.

Anonymous said...

Laleh K.
In response to Tawny B.'s blog on suicide and gender,
1) I totally agree that increasing numbers of suicide of middle aged men are very alarming to the society and looking at the act of ending one's life which is the easier way solution for them than reaching out for help has many social and personal factors behind it and as Tawny mentioned Social media and economy are major issues for loosing the human touch to most aspects of life these days. When looking at this age group one should also take in account the pressure of holding a certain image ( happy,successfully married,financially secured,successful at one's carrier etc ) in todays fast paced, high demand society play a big part when one is not able to do so due to unemployment, lost of a spouse etc and also the fact that men are more introverted and do not show their emotions openly put a huge pressure on them and they don't simply fit into society's picture of them around that age.
2) Looking at this issue from a Functionalist point of view, our personal need and society's need of social media is something important that serves us very positive in many ways like bringing people closer from all over the world.
3)The reason I decided to comment on this issue is duo to comments on suicide from a male friend of mine who were under high stress due to financial and family issues. I am very glad that he opened up and got help through counselling. When it comes to solution, there should be higher awareness of
support and counselling for men through their jobs and also through the welfare system for those less fortunate members of society who are poor and can't see any way out but suicide. Another less costly solution is also by taking human interest in each others lives and try to help one another when suspecting someone is isolating himself and just by simply be there and listen or assist in some ways , one is preventing a social/personal problem and damage to remaining family members.

Anonymous said...

Justine G.
In response to Tawny B,
I agree with the statement written by Tawny. The explanation of suicide and gender was precise on touching upon the causes such as: technology and lack of face to face communication. I believe that not having communication with someone in person can affect how people act and live drastically. It can make a person go crazy because as a society we need interaction with one another, it’s what keeps us sane. What stood out to me was the fact that men may have a higher suicide rates because they cannot communicate their feelings to others as well as women can. I liked this statement because it figured out a problem that we can work with to fix. I think that this topic is very intriguing. The age that suicide occurs through makes me want to know more about why 45-65 year old men have the highest suicide ratings. I think that suicide among 45-65 year old men is a social problem because it originally was not a high rating, but now has worked its way to number one, and that is something we as a society need to become aware of.
Speaking on a conflict theorist point of view, suicide of men of this age would have to do with prestige of the men. Maybe these men didn’t have many things in their life, and people didn’t see them as important as men are supposed to be seen. Along with lack of power in their lives. Men ages 45-65 that committed suicide did it because they have not reached their goals or fear that they never will so they look for an escape route. Therefore without having power or prestige these men realize their life has little to live for. Conflict theorist would say this because they focus on power and prestige or you’re working under them.
I think that the group therapy my peer suggested would be a great idea, however men in general, especially at that age are stubborn and would most likely not go to the group therapy unless forced. Therefore, I propose these men having to go to group therapy by order of their doctor and law. If someone who has tried to commit suicide or their family or friends believe they might be considering it, the law and doctors should force these men to go to group therapy. And, if they refuse to go to therapy, they must go to a mental institution to help them. One way or another these men will receive help.

Anonymous said...

Gisela C.
In response to Anahit G,
1) I agree with Anahit, that men do tend to show fewer emotions than woman do. What stood out to me was that middle-aged men had higher rates to commit suicide than younger men. I think this topic is a social problem because it affects their loved ones and as Anahit said the individual is detached from the society, which can make them feel hopeless.
2) A functionalist would view suicide as an affect to society. Middle-aged men are most likely to feel pressure of aging and not wanting to become a burden to their families. An example to this can be how they will be affected economically, which will create stress and take a toll in their health.
3) I agree with Anahit because stress can create more pressure on middle-aged men to commit suicide. Another solution can be opening up centers where middle-age men and women can both interact within their age group. This can cause middle-age men to interact more with society. Also medical centers can inform more people on how to prevent depression, which is another cause for suicide.

Anonymous said...

Ivonne F.
Responding to Jennyfer L.

I agree, the economy needs stable people to maintain stability. Men in their middle age are seen as well experienced, and containing an excessive amount of knowledge. Along, with being the head of the household.

A functionalist would say we need people in their middle ages preferably men to continue doing their job, keeping everything running smoothly. They have the most experience compared to the youth beneath them. No one in society has been through genertations to see the various outcomes of actions. Established their social class as they proceeded with age. Losing men with that much experience will only encourage a downfall in society, making the economy have a lack of well educated people in society. No one can perform their job as well as they can. Replacing someone can be done, but it can have its conquences. Keeping something valuable then losing it will of course not have the economy functioning how it was before. With all the hard work put in to their jobs with years of practice, and losing everything becoming a tragic moment to live. Failing as if that hard work was for nothing. Feeling as they didn't do enough can make a person feel as a failure, nothing knowing what they could've done to prevent such act. Constantly, thinking about whats left in life. Leading to thoughts of suicide. A job that you are no longer employed to, and a family to support to is a lot to handle. Men feeling the stress of not being a breadwinner because they don't have a job anymore. They are looked up by every member of the family as keeping as a whole. Men having a sense of pride and taking that away from them will make them feel hopeless and lost. No longer breadwinners what else can they depend on, not only themselves but will the family think of them. Feeling judge as if they were failures. Resulting, taking their own life. Men not as much as women will not express their feelings. Struggling on the inside whether they can do anything anymore or not, bottling up all their emotions. No one they can talk to without themselves feeling as their judged. All the pressure with time making it easier for men to committed to suicide. Everything outside their family circle has vanished, no employment. At home having the since of pride of being the supporter of the family is disappearing. Nothing is left for these men who did everything they could've done to live a great life is gone. Sucicide becoming a soultion to never ending problems. Thinking their families can't rely on father figure that there's nothing to loose if he was gone.

Agreeing with Jennyfer men should attend mental health care faclities where are able to speak upon their problems and situation. The soultion being men will be able to talk about their feelings. Feeling as if what has happened isn't quite to be blamed for. Only being a victim of the conquences. A conqeunces they had no control over. Being able to see that taking their life won't make those problems away, but creating more. Leaving a loving family that will miss a father who has been an inspiration since day one. A father who has worked hard to give and support the family through out so many years. Opening their perspective that when encountering nonfulliment doesn't mean giving up, but making room for improvement with one self.

I chose this topic because being really close with my dad I know he has a sense of pride for providing for our family. He feels good about himself knowing hes the provider. His hardwork is shown on what he provides for the family. Nothing worse can ruin a man by taking their pride away. A sense of pride they only gained themselves, making a title under their name. Knowing men don't communicate as much shows a sense of bottling up inside of them. I understand why men in their middle age committee suicide.

Anonymous said...

In response to Tawny B.

I agree that poor communication is a contributing factor to high suicide rates. Lack of stable and strong relationships and basic human interaction, which is increasing nowadays because of advanced technology, can lead to severe isolation and unhappiness and, ultimately, can contribute to one’s chances of committing suicide. This crucial connection between human interaction and suicide rates really stood out to me. I chose to comment on this entry because it encompassed all the information in an interpretive manner. Another reason I was drawn to this topic and particular entry, is that most of the time people are led to believe that suicide is something that young and inexperienced youth commit. This entry and article gives a heterogenous view regarding suicide rates as it exposed the problems within an age group that is forgotten.
A Feminist perspective regarding this topic illustrates the gender roles and expectations we are assigned and how they affect us. Women are generalized to be more open and emotional while men are generalized to be “manly” and emotionless. Although these generalities are socially constructed and not necessarily true, members of our society go along with this construct. In doing so, people act a certain way to fit into this assigned norm and gender role. This sense of “manliness” and assumption that men should not illustrate their emotions, builds and grows and festers, until one needs an outlet. Because women are socialized to be open and emotional they are able to relieve pent up energy and pressure. Because men are socialized to bottle up their emotions, they have no outlet for the pressures and problems of life which contributes to their higher suicide rates.This gender role of male and female emotion can affect one’s relationships and interactions and, if said relationships are weak, can possibly lead to one committing suicide.
I think that the proposed solution of, “ men socializ[ing] more and interact[ing] with one another,” is a great start to alleviate this problem. As much as this would help and improve the lives of men, I feel as if one of the proposed solutions, “group therapy” is a little idealistic. In this article we learned that some men flee from basic interaction, therefore, it is not realistic to believe that men would talk in a larger audience or witnesses. I think that one must go back to the origins and beginning of this problem within men. If we were to slightly change male socialization at a young age, we could alter their future of bottling up pressure and emotions and avoid suicide. Targeting a younger group, perhaps primary school, will instill and socialize children to think differently. This solution will alleviate the problem of suicide in men, especially middle aged men, by socializing them, from a young age, to be open to emotion and human interaction. This seemingly small step will benefit these men, and our society, in the long haul.

Anonymous said...

^The above is mine. I forgot to post my name. Gayane I.

Evan W. said...

This is a response to Jennyfer L. I will take an functionalist point of view on this subject however I will tie in some symbolic interactionalism. It is true that men do have a higher suicide rate, but it is less that they become depressed more often and more that they tend to act on it in a lethal manner more than women do. Men are socialized to value masculinity and become as you said breadwinners. However with age comes other factors that can contribute to the possibility of suicide other than just economics. A functionalist would argue that it is the function of friends to support someone when they are depressed and to keep them from committing suicide which is a dysfunction. People who lack a sufficient social life are much more likely to commit suicide than one who has a healthy social life. As men grow older friends may become scarce because they may have moved on or passed away. You could say something similar about Robin Williams whose fame may have kept him from having real friends which could have contributed to his suicide. Women are actually more prone to depression than men are because women are often working what's known as the second shift when they get home and due to other social pressures. Women, however are more likely to use items that are not a guaranteed method for suicide whereas men use lethal surefire methods to commit suicide. This suggests a possible reason for why older men commit suicide at a higher rate. Men who lose things they are used to having for years will be much quicker to use lethal means of suicide than women in a similar situation.

Evan W. said...

This is a continuation of my previous post I accidentally sent unfinished. To prevent these things from happening, I would do what Jennyfer did but I would also do more. Programs will only do so much to change men's behavior. What really needs to be done is for parents to socialize their male kids differently so they will be more willing to talk about problems and less likely to view their success in life by social status. Older males very much view themselves by their social status. If their social status is low or they lose a high social status it will make them unhappy because they feel like they failed in life. The way to fix this is to socialize the next generation to not view themselves by social status, this could drastically decrease suicide rates when these children become older.